

in the spirit of this being a true neocities website™™™™™™ i have decided to allocate one page to 88x31 banners and FERRETS and whatever absolute garbage i want to put here. I LOVE FERRETS (especially my ferret <3).

most are scrounged off random sites. i made one though (the coke zero one, feel free to copy copyright is fake)

Two cartoon ferrets fighting Heart with a ferret head on it Ferret jumping up and down Ferret jumping back and forth Ferret sticking its tongue out Two ferrets, one angelic and one demonic Cartoon ferret sleeping Ferret jumping up and down A stamp with a ferret and a small heart I (heart) ferrets Heart with a ferret head on it

btw the actual reason for the ferret thing is because thats what he nicknamed himself and that is hilarious to me. a man like that nicknaming himself "ferret" and going by it for 10+ years. hes such a dork i love him

there was this book i found a few months ago (i think it was published in october?), that mentioned him and it described him as having a "weaselly" voice. i thought that was funny cuz. ferrets are a type of weasel. do you get it. do you get why i think this is funny. is it funny. do you get the jo

Got Ferrets?? Ferret Fanatic
Powered by Coca-Cola Zero Apocalypse Now! LOL Heaven's Gate Oldfiles I Like Computer Graphic design is my passion Kill me Now! Anthrax Now! Death Pro-Death, Death positive, Deathcare, Death approved! miaow Neko Scape '98 Nyan! Forever Online Internet Now! Impeach Clinton Now! DOOM HELLO I wish it was 2001! Part of 'The Creation of Adam' by Michelangelo Romantic-looking painting of two cherubs kissing Internet roadkill Eyes Three smiley faces, alternating yellow, red and blue digital blasphemy Jesus Now! I miss XP! Best Viewed in 4:3 Black striped bars, with alternating levels of light Catscape Meow! Dead Now! Counter-Strike player
Lovestruck Thus with a kiss I die.
Rotting away! THE END IS NEAR!!!
World Wide Web: Connecting people since 1991 I love animals
Are you ready for year 2000